Via Dolorosa
Language Services
Via Dolorosa Language Services adalah penyedia layanan bahasa. Kami menyediakan layanan penerjemahan bahasa, penjurubahasaan serta pelatihan mulai dari individu hingga organisasi dan perusahaan.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Mereka yang tidak mengetahui bahasa asing, sesungguhnya tidak mengenali diri sendiri
Study at Any Level, From Beginner to Expert
We provide translation, interpreting (consecutive and simultaneous), and localization of various languages to Indonesian and numerous local languages and dialects. We also provide article and script editing, copywriting, audiovisual translation, subtitling, proofreading, and direct/audio/video transcription. Via Dolorosa Language Services provides these services in the following languages: English-Indonesian, French-Indonesian, German-Indonesian, Chinese-Indonesian, and Arabic-Indonesian, also various local languages, such as Central Java (Krama, Ngoko), Sunda (Lemes, Loma), Batak (Toba, Karo, Simalungun), and Bali.
Layanan Kami

Penerjemahan dan Pelokalan Dokumen & Situs Web


Pembuatan Takarir (Sulih Teks) & Penerjemahan Audiovisual

Penyuntingan dan Penyelarasan Aksara


Pelatihan Bahasa untuk Individu dan Organisasi/ Perusahaan
Why Us?
Went forth from determination and discipline, Via Dolorosa Language Service which was pioneered from a small group, currently has a wide network of clients who are satisfied with the results of our performance. Our clients spread from local to multinational companies, who choose us as the solution to their language needs.
Discipline, professionalism, and thoroughness are the spirit that underlies our work, which ensures that you will receive the best service from us.
Our translator staff consists of professionals and mastering the specific language. We also ensure that the project time frame will always be completed on time, with minimal errors.
If you are interested in working with us, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail.
We are looking forward to work with you!
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Bekerjalah Bersama Kami!
Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lain tentang Via Dolorosa Language Services atau jika Anda ingin bergabung bersama tim kami, mohon beritahu kami.
Please use the “Get In Touch” form in the end of this page to submit your file and we will be happy to provide a free proposal and adjust the price for your project.
Hubungi Kami
Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lain tentang Via Dolorosa Language Services atau jika Anda ingin bergabung bersama tim kami, mohon beritahu kami.
Jl. Kayu Manis Lama 1, No. 7, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Tel : (+62) 21 – 850 – 2816
WA : (+62) 855 – 8855 – 596
Email :